These days I feel like I'm running faster and faster to catch up with the world only to discover I've slipped back a few yards in the process. Somehow I missed the talk about MyBlogLog and hadn't heard about Yahoo's recent acquisition. At the moment I can't even remember who or what tripped me into the MyBlogLog universe; but, after logging in and setting up my own account I spent several hours skimming over a multitude of blogs. MyBlogLog is a social network primarily made up of bloggers.
What's a social network? Well, for the intense meaning, read the entire Wikepedia explanation on social network; but for a quick reference try this:
A social network is a map of the relationships between individuals, indicating the ways in which they are connected through various social familiarities ranging from casual acquaintance to close familial bonds. The term was first coined in 1954 by J. A. Barnes (in: Class and Committees in a Norwegian Island Parish, "Human Relations").
I like this short explanation:
The personal or professional set of relationships between individuals. Social networks represent both a collection of ties between people and the strength of those ties. Often used as a measure of social “connectedness”, recognising social networks assists in determining how information moves throughout groups, and how trust can be established and fostered.
MyBlogLog takes the MySpace model and applies it to bloggers. (Look for a future spot on MySpace for authors.) For a writer, this can be a great way to build a community of shared-interest members. I joined Wayne Hurlburt's community when I found his member link. I've been a big fan of his BlogBusinessWorld since my early blogging days so that was an instant connection. I also found Georgeanna over at Writer's Edge, another DWP favorite blogger. But I discovered a number of other blogs well worth reading.
Now check out my MyBlogLog group for DWP. Look to the right and find my DWP cartoon under "Author" and click. That will take you to the member page that shows all three blogs that are featured on MyBlogLog: Down the Writer's Path, Writers Quote Daily, and PowerPOPP. (So far DWP is getting the most hits. I'll have to find out how to get the other two going.) Why not log in, set up your blog or website, and join in the fun. Don't forget to say hello, join my group, and start expanding your social network on the web. Oh, and the "Recent Readers" photo list on the left side is a tie-in to my MyBlogLog membership.
For more on bloggers and social networking, read Wayne's article Blog introductions: Sharing those you know : Blog Business World.
For a look at Georgeanna's experience, read her short posts on MyBlogLog.
If you're wondering what the "Linked in" button is at the upper right, it's another way, though not blogging specific, to social network on the Internet. Use it to expand your professional network and provide you with contacts and references.
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