Houston has an interesting writers group known as the Authors and Publishers Association (AAP), and they want to know more about the blogging life. They have asked yours truly to speak about my experiences as a blogger the past couple of years and how I've integrated them into my writing life. I've known about the group for a number of years and every meeting I've attended has been informative as well as interesting. The group aims to cover as many facets of being an author and publisher as possible. It doesn't hurt that they meet in a great place, either: the Houston Museum of Printing History.
A non-profit association based in Houston, AAP is composed of authors (and would-be authors), editors, designers, artists, printers, publishers, self-publishers, marketers, distributors, booksellers, Internet professionals--anyone associated with the production, development, marketing, and distribution of books. According to the website, APA exists to assist writers, authors, publishers, and tradespeople, in keeping the literary craft alive and seeks to encourage tomorrow's Hemingways, Vonneguts, and Sagans. APA is a Publisher's Marketing Associate (PMA) and a Small Press of North America (SPNA) partner. In addition to the regular meeting, the group also has an informal meet-and-greet at the nearby Cafe Express (1422 W. Gray) from 5:00 pm - 6:30pm. Here's the press release they were kind enough to send out.
Authors and Publishers Association Thursday, September 15, 2005 1324 W. Clay, Houston, TX Phone: 713-522-4652
Registration - 6:30 pm Meeting starts at 7:00 pm
Meeting is free to members, $5 for non-members.
Museum of Printing History
See AAP for more info and a map.
Vikk Simmons
Thinking about starting a web log, otherwise known as a blog? Or are you already blogging, but anxious to know how you can get more out of it? Vikk Simmons will talk about her experiences as a blogger -- how she has incorporated this versatile form of communication into her writing life, and has used blogging to further her writing goals. Don't miss this entertaining, informative presentation.
Vikk Simmons, is an avid reader, writer, blogger, and photographer who is passionate about writing and traveling and loves to combine the two. Co-author of three travel books and two young adult novels, Vikk recently learned that she and her co-author, Elaine Galit, have been invited to the 2005 Texas Book Festival. The two were also honored to be named Barnes and Noble Authors of the Month. A certified Journal to the Self instructor, Simmons facilitated Artist Way groups for six years. She spent four years coordinating book events and promotions for Borders Books, Inc. and during that time she received a Master of Fine Arts degree in Creative Writing from Vermont College.
Vikk often speaks on creativity, the publishing industry and the business and craft of writing. After a two-year stint as communications director for a local church, Vikk recently returned to Borders Books to work in the corporate and educational sales program. She maintains a blog where she comments on the writing life and the publishing industry at Down the Writer's Path and has a web site dedicated to teens at TeensTakeAction.com.
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