You can’t imagine my surprise when I logged onto the blog today and discovered the banner posted. In between rounds of medicine and fighting the summer croup, I made a fairly pathetic attempt to create the banner. I remember uploading what I had done so I could see how it looked, but for some reason thought the blog had reverted to its old look...apparently not. I confess it’s not finished. I don’t quite have the look I want, but given my inadequacies with Photoshop I’m surprised it doesn’t look worse. Hopefully I’ll defeat this crud overtaking my sinuses and lungs shortly and will be able to make the needed adjustments. In the meantime, let me share another surprise.
Yesterday, I found a nice comment from Wayne Hurlbert in response to my “e-voice” post. It’s always a treat and a real pick-me-up when I find someone has taken the time to comment, but yesterday Wayne really brightened my day—and being sick I sorely needed it—when I discovered my post about developing an e-voice had been the subject of one of his daily posts. Wayne runs a business blog called Blog Business World and his complimentary post is Blogs: Finding your voice on June 06, 2004. Once there, I spent some time perusing his site. He has an easy-going style and his blog suggests plenty of places to go, particularly if you’re interested in seeing how others are using their blogs to support their business efforts. From a quick survey of his daily entries, it’s clear that blogs have moved beyond the early diary and political commentary formats and are now making major inroads in the business world. When you think about it, the expanding universe of blogdom has the capability to digest every topic conceivable and is only limited to the blogger’s capabilities to attract a readership. Isn’t this how it is with all types of writing? There are no banned or bad subjects, only dull and ill-conceived executions.
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