Like the image? Let me know. I plan to use it in a banner for this blog, as soon as I figure out how to create one. The cartoon caricature was done by an artist-friend, Eric Payne, as a gift, and the card has been posted on my writing wall for the last several years. I contacted him recently and asked for permission to use the image in conjunction with The Writer's Path site, and he graciously said yes.
Eric practices good writing techniques in his art. When I received the card, I couldn't get over all the "telling details" he incorporated. The head is a sculpture I had created a year earlier. My sudden trip to Italy is referenced in the calendar. The writer I owe such a creative debt to, Irving Stone, is on the spine of a book on the desk (the book is The Agony and the Ecstasy). He even included a reference to our five-year old Artist Way group I'd facilitated during my tenure at Borders Books-amazing. Everything has meaning for me. It's a real compliment to find someone remembers so much and is able to identify things important to you. Eric is a talented artist, one I'm proud to have as a friend, and one who's art I'm proud to have hanging on my wall and featured on my site.
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