Day 4. Back to business and our continuing interview with Kiimberly Morris.
4. You are the newsletter editor of the local SCBWI (Society of Children's Book Writers and Editors) chapter. How do you think the local organization best serves the various levels of writers, such as beginning, journeyman, and the multi-published such as yourself?
Oops! THANK YOU. I should have mentioned this FIRST when I was answering question #2. SCBWI is absolutely the first stop for anybody interested in writing or illustrating for children. That stands for the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators. There is an international headquarters in Los Angeles, and then local chapters that meet all over the country. SCBWI offers critique groups where writers and illustrators can get feedback work in progress. And there are conferences that provide opportunities to hear and meet editors and agents. SCBWI- Houston has a marketing coop and speakers bureau for the professional writers and illustrators who are publishing regularly. So we are trying to serve the writers and illustrators at every level – from rank beginner to multi-published pro.
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